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D típusú vízumigénylés / Long-Term (type "D")
04 november 2020 16:41

90 napot meghaladó tartózkodás esetén az EU tagállamok állampolgárainak D típusú vízumot kell igényelniük.

A D típusú vízumügyintézés során az érintett el tud járni Ukrajna Magyarországi Nagykövetsége Konzuli Osztályán személyesen vagy közjegyző által hitelesített meghatalmazással és annak hiteles ukrán nyelvű fordításával (illetve Apostille felülhitelesítéssel ellátva) megbízhatja ismerősét, jogi képviselőjét.

A vízumkérelemhez az alábbi iratok benyújtása szükséges:

1) Úti okmány;

2) Érvényes utasbiztosítás;

3) Megfelelő anyagi fedezet igazolása (a bankszámlakivonat eredeti példánya) - az egyenlegnek elegendőnek kell lennie napi szinten, körülbelül 50 USD-nek. 

4) Ukrajna területén való tartózkodás célját igazoló dokumentum, mely lehet:

- Ukrajna Állami Foglalkoztatási Központja által kiállított munkavállalási engedély;

- Ukrajna Állami Migrációs Szolgálata területileg illetékes szerve vagy alosztálya által kiállított bevándorlási engedély;

- meghívólevél tanulmányok folytatására (eredeti példányban kell benyújtani);

- vallási szervezet meghívólevele, melyet az adott vallási szervezet bejegyzését végző állami szerv hagyott jóvá;

- szabályszerűen bejegyzett külföldi gazdasági szubjektum képviseletének Gazdaságfejlesztési Minisztérium által jóváhagyott meghívólevele;

- szabályszerűen bejegyzett külföldi bank képviseletének vagy fiókjának meghívólevele;

- külföldi média Ukrajna Állami Televíziós és Rádiós Bizottsága által jóváhagyott kérelme;

- ukrán állampolgárral kötött házasság tényét igazoló dokumentum (házassági anyakönyvi kivonat);

- Ukrajna területén állandó vagy ideiglenes tartózkodásra jogosult külföldi állampolgárral vagy hontalan státuszú személlyel való rokoni kapcsolat igazolására szolgáló dokumentum;

- Ukrajna nemzetközi szerződéseiben előírt egyéb dokumentumok.

VISA type

Purpose of visit

Supporting document

long -term visa/immigration

D-01 - immigration

a copy of the Permission to immigrate in Ukraine arranged by the State Immigration Service of Ukraine.

long -term visa/immigration

D-02 family reunion with a person granted a refugee status or temporary protection in Ukraine

proof that the applicant is a family member to a person who has been granted refugee status in Ukraine, or a person in need of subsidiary protection who has been granted subsidiary protection in Ukraine.

long -term visa/government

D-03 – diplomatic/official stay

request from competent authorities of foreign states or international organizations to issue visas to employees of diplomatic missions and consular posts, international organizations and their representations who enter Ukraine for a long-term stay with the purpose of performing job-related responsibilities, and their family members;

long -term visa

D-04 – employment at Ukraine`s company/organization

employment authorization document (DOZVIL NA PRATSEVLASHTUVANNIA) in the name of the applicant issued by The Ukrainian State Center of Employment and obtained for him/her in advance by an employer in Ukraine. Foreigners and stateless persons whose employment, according to the law, is not subject to employment authorization shall instead submit an employment agreement (contract), and persons with foreign Ukrainian status shall submit an employment agreement (contract) and foreign Ukrainian’s ID.

long -term visa

D-05 – implementation of International technical assistance profects in Ukraine

original letter of Invitation from Ukrainian government institution, state enterprise or organization which is a recipient of International technical assistance as well as the confirmation of registration of the International technical assistance project;

long -term visa

D-06 – religious/missionary activity in Ukraine

an original letter of invitation from a Ukrainian religious organization for a foreign missionary must contain or be accompanied by a written confirmation under the signature and seal of a responsible official of the Ministry of Culture of Ukraine on Religious Matters or of the department on religious matters of a regional or city administration depending on where the sponsoring organization is registered;

long -term visa

D-07 – employment at a foreign non-governmental organization (branch/office) registered in Ukraine

an Original letter of invitation from a branch office, division, representation or other structural units of a civil society (non-governmental) organization of a foreign state, as well as the confirmation from the Ministry of Economy of Ukraine about the registration of the branch of foreign company;

long -term visa/employment

D-08 – employment at an office of a foreign company registered in Ukraine

an Original letter of invitation from a branch office, division, representation of a foreign business operator, as well as the confirmation from the Ministry of Economy of Ukraine about the registration of the branch of foreign company;

long -term visa/employment

D-09 – employment at an office of a foreign bank registered in Ukraine

an Original letter of Invitation from the branch of foreign bank as well as the confirmation from the National Bank of Ukraine about the registration of the branch of foreign bank;

long -term visa

D-10 – implementation of cultural, scientific, educational, sport projects in Ukraine

letter of invitation from a relevant government agency responsible for implementation of cultural, educational, scientific, sport, or volunteering programs for participation in which a foreigner or stateless person arrives in Ukraine, or letter of invitation from an organization or institution that engages volunteers in their activity, information about which is placed on the official website of the Ministry of Social Policy of Ukraine, accompanied by the copy of state registration certificate of this organization or institution;

long -term visa

D-11 – employment at a foreign mass media branch/ office in Ukraine

request from a foreign mass media outlet about issuance of visa for a foreign correspondent or representative of a foreign mass media outlet who enters Ukraine for a long-term stay with the purpose of performing job-related responsibilities.

long -term visa

D-12 – founder and/or participant of beneficial owner

documents proving a foreigner or stateless person is the founder and / or participant and / or beneficial owner (controller) of the legal entity

long -term visa

D-13 - study

an original letter of invitation to study issued by a higher education institution and registered according to the procedure established by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine;

long -term visa/immigration

D-14 – family reunion with the Ukraine`s national(spouse visa)

visa Certificate of Marriage with a citizen of Ukraine (please attach copy of your spouse passport). Document or certificate issued not in Ukraine should be apostilled or legalized;

long -term visa

D-15 – family reunion with a foreigner resining in Ukraine upon permanent residence permit

document of the person who is a relative of the foreign citizen, the holder of Ukrainian Permanent/Temporary Card as well as a copy of Permanent/Temporary Card;

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